So a little over two years ago, my sweet baby girl, Joslyn Amberli passed away. She was 19 months old and I took it very hard. I've had my ups and downs as far as healing go but about a month ago I decided it was time to talk to someone. I saw a therapist who gave me some advice and thought it might be a good idea to start a journal of the memories/feelings I have of her life and her passing. I decided to take her advice and do this in the form of a blog. I am also going to allow my close family to add their own thoughts and memories in hopes that in the end we can turn it into a blog book and have it to keep always as a tribute to her amazing life and the impact she had on ours. I just wrote the first post and already I feel a step closer to healing my heart. I will never forget or want to forget her but I do believe it is important for my heart to heal.
Happiest little spirit I could ever imagine...
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